Monday, December 16, 2013

The Dream Part 2 - Going Home

Far away, across many miles of land and water a little girl named Fiona is excited and nervous all at the same time.

Going Home

The suit cases are already in the taxi waiting for Fiona. She is left standing alone in her room with just a few bags and her sock monkey. Fiona looks around the room that has been her home for as long as she can remember. It seems that many children are leaving the orphanage lately. Her best friend and bunk mate left a few days ago.


"Adopted! That's the word I've waited to hear for so long, so why is it so terrifying to say it now? Mr. Monkey, you are very brave. You don't look one bit scared."

A Little Chat

"Okay! I can be brave, too. No! I AM brave. I have dreamt of having a family of my own with a sister that likes the same things I do, and now my dreams are coming true. Here we go!"

1 comment:

Serenata said...

Wonderful! She is a lovely girl - I must have her 'twin' on my wish to adopt list! ;-)