Sunday, August 21, 2011

Tangy Goes Camping- Part 1

From Tangerine: I went on my first camping trip and it was fun! I was a little scared to be in the wilderness, but I was my bravest and got used to it. It was Summer Lark's second time camping so she told me all about it. First Day of Camping
At first I kept hearing lot of noises in the woods, but Summer said there were no bears there.

This Is Where We Cook

Summer showed me that this is where Mama cooks. I like the coffee pot, but I don't like coffee!


I took a walk in the woods and made some new friends! They wanted to come home with me because they were tired of eating roots and berries. More about that later!

Mining Days

One day we hiked around an old gold mine way up on the top of a mountain. It was really cool. The mines are open again because the price of gold is high, but they don't dig for gold like they did in the olden days. I looked and looked for a nugget of gold and never found one, Next time I'm bringing a shovel! This was near Cripple Creek, Colorado.

Keep Out!

There were lots of cool old buildings, but Mama said to stay out!

I'll be back with more pics later! ~ Tangerine


Carolyn said...

What fun excursions you go on!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a ton of fun .. we love going camping ..
